Natural Therapeutics Holistic Spa 

Natural Therapeutics Holistic Spa

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(817) 738-4904
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Tuesday- Friday 9 am To 5 pm
Saturday 9 am To 3 pm

Natural Therapeutics

Energetic Body Scan & Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

What can Energy Scans do for me?

The latest in Energy Medicine! The QXCI scan can take over 8500 different measurements on the human system during a session. This process is known as Electro-Dermal screening and measures the biological energy of the body and its many systems. The analysis includes acute and chronic measurements of the Physiological (organs) system, Endocrine System, Nervous System, Lymphatic System, helps to read Digestive stressors, Spinal energy flow, Dental health, Chronic sinus patterns, Emotional balance, Trauma or Injury blockages, Virus, Bacteria, or Parasite invasions, can also help to interpret nutritional absorption including Hydration and Oxygen levels as well as hundreds of other key components to energy health.

How can a session help?

During a session, the information your body provides will also tell us what energetic therapies your body will respond best to and therefore create the specific energies to promote healing. These therapies supply similar energies as an Acupuncture series would. Because this is not a medical procedure, and we are not medical doctors, we do not, in any way, diagnose, treat or cure any illness, or diseases. However, we can help provide you with a detailed insight as to what your body wants to work on, what your body needs to reduce stress, and how to reduce the stress within your body. This will assist you with a direct approach to begin or maintain your healing process in a safe and very effective manner.

Are there any after-effects to scanning?

There are no side effects from scanning, and in fact, most people immediately feel the uplifting benefit by alleviating certain stressors on the body. After a session, your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies will continue to be in transition, clearing old energy patterns for 3 days. So anything you can do to nurture yourself during this period will intensify this stress management. If the scan reads any nutritional deficiencies or any energy weaknesses, a supplemental program or homeopathic remedies may be suggested for you.

How often do I need to schedule a scan?

QXCI scans can be repeated once a week for stubborn, high stress or chronic energetic conditions. Once a month is usually sufficient for moderate stress or current energy blockages. Hour Scans may also be scheduled to conserve time and finances for those who wish to recheck certain stressors throughout the body.

What if I don't have time to keep up regular sessions?

We offer Hour Scans after your inital Full Body Scan for tune in's or tune ups needed to help keep you on track. We also offer an Hour Scan for Specific Therapies for simply frequency therapy of your choice for an additional boost in clearings and energetic resonance. We can schedule Long-distance scans for someone who is not local or who simply does not have the time to come into the office but would like to continue the process of energy healing. A Distance Scan can even be done on someone who has not had scans before, but it is suggestable in order to understand the process to have at least one scan in person.

What is Distance Healing?

Distance Healing is the QXCI energetic healing done sililarly to one in personand with the principals of Quantum Physics. In scientific circles, it is known as non-local healing, and even Harvard University holds seminars on these types of healing methods.

How does Long Distance Healing work?

According to the laws of Quantum Physics, everything is connected and part of a continuous whole. Distance healing is a wireless technology that works similar to how cell phones find one another or how a garage door opener works via remote. There simply has to be a receiver and a sender for certain frequencies. In this case, the QXCI is the sender, and the person accepting the frequencies is the receiver.

How does the QXCI find s person at such a great length?

It is a proven fact that prayer heals! How does prayer reach the right person? By intent and sending that person love, light, and pure healing thoughts. Through intent and a resonant frequency number of infomation collected from you, about you that the device uses to locate a particular human. Distance no longer becomes an issue.

Do I need to be on the phone while the session takes place?

No, but we will let you know the time your session is being done so that you may relax, take a nap, or just be aware of when the healing is taking place. We send a report to you along with summary and full interpretation to you when your session is complete to share the details. Each session is customized for you and your individual situation.

Please Fill Out Forms: Energy Scan Consent, Client Intake Form

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Natural Therapeutics


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